
1.   As aformentioned on this blog, I'm always a fan of xenophilia and diversity so I rather liked the story. Having read Octavia Butler's novel Dawn, I was already comfortable with the relative situation as it seems to be a common theme in her work; one of aliens and humans interbreeding. Personally though, it always seems like the humans detest the breeding process or find it revolting in some way. It would be rather nice for once to see it going rather smoothly so that the drama doesn't come from problems between the breeding aliens and their human partners, but rather from other humans reacting to the chosen human's decision. I adore the concept, just not the execution.

2.    I feel like on some level I couldn't really emotionally connect to the story. Maybe it's that I'm female and giving birth is already expected of me, or internal organs, worms, and blood don't really stress me out, but I can't relate to the feeling of being horrifically scarred emotionally speaking. The main character's sister however seemed to connect better with me due to her eagerness to birth alien offspring, even knowing the consequences of what might happen in advance.

3.    Should I choose to adapt this story to a different form of media, it would probably be that of video games. The story would also allow you to design and create your own character, getting familiar with the world before being thrust into such an emotionally charged decision. And if actually possible, lower the age difference between the alien and human characters, to avoid those unfortunate implications of child husbandry and pedophilia that can be seen through bits and pieces of the story.


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