Interracial Space Hijinks!

Hot dog, hot dog, space opera! A term that still confuses me because for the longest time, I really thought it might be an actual opera in space. But of course, nothing ever makes sense and writing is weird. But whatever, Saga, a space opera comic is honestly a gift to my constantly diversity and interracial deprived self.

As per usual, the plot is ultra complex but to really simplify it, a couple each from different warring planets fall in love and have a child, becoming wanted targets on their respective planets. The story follows their daughter from birth and is currently ongoing so wink wink nudge nudge.

From what I've gathered, the story seems to be a text book example of a space opera, forbidden love blossoming between two supposed rivals, intergalactic war, intense drama and intrigue, and you know, takes part in space. Alana and Marko were originally soldiers and met when Marko was a prisoner in the prison Alana looked over. They fell in love and before he was to be executed, they ran away together and conceived Hazel, our story's unreliable narrater. On the way, we meet: a prince who's family has been murdered by a revolting janitor while he was away fighting, his son stolen; Marko's arranged fiancee who is hunting him down with a government arranged bounty hunter named The Will; and a former child sex slave The Will rescued.

The story is beautifully drawn and written and it always means a lot to me to see a relationship similar to my own represented in media because it does not happen as one would think. Both Marko and Alana are simply trying to raise their child in peace but everyone pulled into the fray ends up in life changing situations, potentially risking their lives to seek out our two heroes. There is so much more drama than I could possibly put in a mere blog post, but I do encourage others to give Saga a chance because while it is wildly popular, it's not popular enough like some other current comic series. And if you're like me and wildly starved for diversity, it is definitely a lot better than most other series in that regard.


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